
🤯Check out TRUMP's reaction! This musical piece amazed everyone at the Notre Dame opening!

At the grand opening of Notre Dame in Paris, Presidents Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Donald Trump, and Emmanuel Macron gathered and listened to beautiful musical compositions performed by the orchestra, just look at their reactions!

#24channel #warinukraine2024 #freshnews #notredame #reopeningonotredame #TrumpAndZelenskyy #TrumpAndMacron



Trumps skin is probably irritated from being on consecrated ground


Why was Trump allowed to disgrace the event? Doesn't France forbid convicted criminals from entering the country?


An uncouth buffoon have been give the key to the most powerful country in the world. The mug hasn't got class or integrity, he didn't understand what was going on. His supporters are like that too, ignorant and mediocre. Prove me wrong.


they were very carefully searched, given guns and drugs


Zselé faragatlan még felöltözni sem tud alkalomhoz illően!


Cristianos ???? De dónde. Cuando?????


I hope after that trump doesn't ask for a castle for himself

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