
All the vets i see are homless


Don’t do it! Get a good education/or skilled labor


Find the right branch for you. Each one has its pros and cons. If you like strong physical and pushing yourself going on auto pilot. Join the marines, shoot guns run 12 miles alot of physical demending work. Army is alittle less demanding work but both arent given alot of freedom and are treated like children when your first starting out. Navy, is more freedom im honestly not entirely sure there pros and cons airforce your treated as an adult, its not as physical as army and marines unless your special forces. You have alot of freedom but also alot of consciences if you dont follow up. Alot of metal and figure it out. Space force your super smart and like Programming. Just make sure to talk to all recurring offices and gaurd and reserves find whats best for you


My advise Join the Coast Guard or Air Force stay far away from that grunt type work and little boats in big oceans for months and months stay close to home💯😂😂😂😂


You should only do it for passion in saving lifes and helping people or for help with paying for education tbh. Thise are the only two reason why most people would do it im guessing.


If he's not a recruiter yet, promote him cause thats a line straight from the recruiters staff meeting.


Broken body and 20k a year ya big big gains 😂😂😂😂