
Could a Band of Neighbors Take Down the Government? #usa #military #shorts

Meet the Overmountain Men—frontier warriors from Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky. In 1780, they united to face British loyalists in the Battle of Kings Mountain. Outnumbered but fierce, these rugged patriots turned the tide of the Revolutionary War, proving that the American spirit couldn’t be crushed.




Sometime you need to learn from history!


Yeah but theirs was a legitimate fight for freedom, not like the traitor trump and his magats,who are cowards and sissy boys and wussy wiredos,who are going to love being in prison that's where they will learn what it is to have greatness thrust upon them


Now our own country is trying to outlaw malicious no way malicious are the only thing that have saved this country through the years


Alas, Babylon, oh how the mighty have fallen.


Just a reminder… tomorrow is the deadline for individual U.S. tax returns. How much you owe Ukraine and the Demoncrat party money launderers may surprise you!


If I remember right he wanted all of his Soldiers mounted on White Horses and in the 1950s a Road Construction Crew found his Grave Site.


Click on the link at the bottom of this short to learn more about when US Army vets took fought corrupt local cops in Athens TN.