
Gravitas with Palki Sharma: Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons | World News | WION

Nuclear missiles- the deadliest weapons in Putin’s armor, he’s threatening to use them. First let’s show you the weapon that Putin is talking about, it’s called the Sarmat. What kind of nukes can Russia fire immediately? Palki Sharma decodes!

#Nuclear #Missiles #Gravitas

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America has no more redlines ——pres. Putin so he will strike anytime at his choosing


He is crying like a bully he knows when Ukraine joins nato he is going to be like grounded kid in the corner


Yes,while Indian businessmen rake in the blood money from their trade with Russia. Shame!


Do not ignore nuclear disaster from Putin. When mobilization of nukes have been detected this is when the faith I have in NATO and Ukraine will be tested. Don't let him please can I come to help look and monitor


This is all biblical wars rumors of wars ….4 prophesies left to be fullfilled