
How does raising interest rates control inflation?

When central banks raise interest rates, the impact is felt far and wide. Mortgages become more expensive, house prices might fall and unemployment can rise. So why do central banks do it? This film tells you why.

00:00 – Why should you care about rising interest rates?
00:45 – What are interest rates?
01:36 – What do central banks do?
02:14 – Why do central banks raise interest rates?
03:12 – How do raised interest rates affect consumers?
04:30 – How do raised interest rates affect businesses?
05:20 – What are the risks of raising interest rates?
06:05 – How do interest rates affect inflation?

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I once traded on a different platform and ended up losing all my funds. Where were you then, Emma?


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Michael, what heating period do you prefer in trading?


Давид, расскажи про свои самые неудачные сделки, интересно послушать))🐶


Correct explanation, easy to understand. Really this is amazing


The image of Trump as president as he says, "It's not easy to predict the future," though lol


Raising interest rates cannot curb inflation it will only make it worse in the long run


The Fed is undoubtedly responsible for the present catch-up efforts, as they were first too slow to control inflation. The pandemic, supply-chain issues, are all contributing reasons to the impending inflationary perfect storm. I'm still looking for companies to make additions to my $500K portfolio, to boost performance.