
I Tested 1-Star TikToker Recipes ⭐️

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I Tested 1-Star YouTuber Recipes:

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Food & Family from California

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I'm not THAT old but I'm shocked at how many people don't know about tomato soup cake. This was a bit outdated but still very much a known thing when I was a kid in the 80s. And it's a good cake! I suspect that WWII and dairy/egg rationing help keep it alive.


On the first recipe. Every time I do a pasta bake, I serve it with extra warmed sauce on the side! No matter what sometimes your bake is a little dry especially when it’s leftover. So just warm up some sauce and serve with it! 😁


ngl, some of these reviews are giving underlying r4cism…


I’m appalled that Dylan had 1 star reviews. I absolutely love him and his recipes as I grew up with most of them! 🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom was born in the early 50s and she remembers her mom making a tomato soup cake. My mom would also make a sauerkraut cake which believe it or not was outstanding


Your voice is different. Are you okay? Are you sick? If so, hope you feel better soon.


i made many tiffy cooks recipes and i love them, never had an issue, she is always very clear. And the Hummus dispute is just like dumpling or vodka dilemma, it's a bit of a pointless drama to me


I really enjoy these videos but I get a headache from the middle-of-screen, one-word-at-a-time TikTok style captions that appear every time when a review is read. What's wrong with non-intrusive, regular subtitles? I don't get it

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