
I Tested 1-Star TikToker Recipes ⭐️

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I Tested 1-Star YouTuber Recipes:

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Food & Family from California

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the reviewer that said that the pasta queen's recipes are not easy, probably throws some uncooked pasta with a block of cream cheese in a crockpot, and calls it their signature dish.


Anyone who read through Dylan's cookbook and said they wouldn't cook anything from it, especially when it has the chocolate mayonnaise cake in it, must've read the titles and wrote them off without actually trying them.


I love Dylan’s book!! Also, the person who claimed that their grandmother would never have cooked any of the recipes is full of it!! 😆


The person who commented about the Turkish cookbook having recipes labeled from different countries must have been unaware of the Ottoman Empire ever existing.


Some of these reviews have either got to be people just reviewing based on others or people who messed up somewhere in the recipe and don't want to take accountability


I am Soo making Dylan's tomato soup cake for my work! I won't even tell them what it is. I bet if I add a tablespoon of sour cream it'll be moist.


You are very brave keeping a ring on while hand mixing things. Such a risk.

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