
Booo. You don’t know enough about life insurance


Past performance does not predict future performance. You are assuming the stock market will continue to go up in the long term. This does not have to be true.


She ignored the fact if you don't have insurance and you die, your family will have nothing. No duh money will grow more in the market but if you die unexpectedly that money will not be enough yet for your family. She must not have kids


U can get a iul for wayyyy cheaper. like 50$ a month cheap. whatever you put into these accounts your eventually able to take out while your still alive tax free to.


Also whole life great for young kids, it'll be so cheap and lock in health and start building wealth early!!!


How r scammers selling these, they are a good investment in most cases. For instance, a 50 year old has 100k left on his mortgage, by having a decreasing term policy he can ensure the house is always covered for his or her family. Whole life is good for covering burial expenses when someone only receives social security or disability on a fixed income. Everyone should take care of their final expenses if they have the means to do so, leaving your family on the hook and making them come out of pocket is not right


So many scams, wow. Hard work never hurt anyone.


I agree with this. If you're rich, making $200K+/year, go ahead. For the rest of us, get a 30 year term policy, and put the other $50-$70/month into a ROTH 401K