
Life Inside Secret US Military Facility Built Deep Under a Mountain

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I was a Delta Recon Seal Ranger (DRSR) for many years. Part of our job was to try to infiltrate underground military bases (UMB's) to exploit weak points. We always targeted ventilation shafts. That is the weak point. That and the laundry service. The German Shepherd guard dogs were especially vulnerable to blowing raspberries on their tummies. Of course, the trick is getting close enough to do it. Yes, it usually resulted in some stitches and antibiotics but the end result was worff it. Kinda miff my upper lip though.


0:07 is taken from Fort Carson, home of the 4th ID.


7:38 Sergeant Glover demonstrates the new PT standards in the biden-harris Air Force and sets a fine example for the airmen under her.


I guarantee they're much more secret government compounds that the government isn't even aware of. Secret programs meant to be immune to the whims of a president that is elected every 4 years. These programs are blacker than the blackest classification. Those who are involved may surprise you. The means of operation isn't what we would called "Lawful" because laws are subjective and inherently unstable when it comes to continuity.


It’s not a secret if it’s on YouTube.


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