#police #cops
#police #cops
الى متى يدفع الجنود والمواطنين الثمن غالياً بلا تقدير؟؟
والى متى تنجو وتفلت الحكومات و سياساتها بلا عقاب ؟!!
الا توجد محكمة دولية تنظر في هذا وتضع لوائح واحكام وعقوبات لردع كل من يستغل منصبه لنشر الفساد والاستغلال؟؟؟؟
هذا الشاب الجميل اصبح جسدا بلا روح وبلا مستقبل ايضاً فمن المسؤول؟؟؟؟؟؟
Man this is deep…. Hope he finds help but if he was “Black😢💭💭” … I hope it would be the same way . Respect to the veterans.
If u want to help him then help him. Mean time make him quit scaring tf out of everyone. Someone was scared enough to call and almost not of these caring hypocrites in chat say shit about their rights.
And then the police department hires guys like this expecting them to know how to deescalate an intense situation. Instead they make it worse because they are trained to kill not to talk. Military in the city police force is a big mistake. And then half of them think they don't have to follow any rules. I respect them for serving but they need to stop being so arrogant and intimidating when not in war.