As funny as this guy is, the premise of his video makes no sense. Don't get me wrong, bankers are evil and just putting your money into checkings and savings accounts isn't wise. But to suggest it's the bank's fault when you get scammed out of your own money, or to suggest the bank should reimburse you just because they have money and now you don't, is just ludicrous. The implications of that would be terrible.
If the bank gets scammed or mishandles your money in a way that causes you to lose it , that's why they are insured. but if you willingly give your bank account information to a stranger, it's hard to blame the bank and demand they give you that money back.
Honestly, if a bank can just hand an idiot like Musk 10 bil with no evidence of ROI figures, then yeah, dumb customers deserve to be reimbursed for being idiots.
I fully support banks forking over money to pay for people's stupidity.
Ok, I agree the bank is supposed to protect our money from a thief, they should not share our information, etc. However, if a scammer got the person's pin while he/she was drunk, not paying attentio, gave it thinking it's the bank calling, or if a guy/gall gives all his money to "the love of their life" who lives 10k from them and they only met them on the phone, why should the bank reimburse that person?
In the UK its now law that banks have to refund scam victims. Even the stupid ones. So now we all have to pay because some people are gullible
Old people get scammed a lot in my country and have asked banks to somehow protect their money. So someone suggested making it more difficult and a lot slower for old people to send money. Old people call this discrimination and demand that banks don't change anything, but reimburse everyone who get scammed no matter the amount.
If this happens, I'm becoming a scammer. Since if people aren't afraid of losing their own money, they're just gonna happily give their payment information to whoever asks for it. Scamming will become the easiest thing to do second to breathing
Honestly – you cant blame the suits for the scams other people are doing. If you are dumb enough to send money to nigerian prince – its on you lol.
Someone will surely remember that banks are no longer taking their physical security seriously, and will pull off a string of heists 😂 after this.