
It could be more informative what Chat Masal is and which ingredients are used to make it .


You should be making fuchka recipes as a Bangladeshi channel. Why are you doing pani puri? Pani puri and fuchka are similar in some ways but also very different. You should be highlighting the differences in what makes Bangladeshi food unique instead of merging with Indian cuisine. I have never seen a single Indian cooking channel highlight Bangladeshi food. They don’t even highlight West Bengal food sometimes. Why are you not taking this opportunity to show people about how diverse and unique our cuisine actually is? From what I’m seeing this is a mix of pani puri and fuchka but not the authentic version of either of the street snacks.



Your channel posts a lot of great recipes… I have made many and commented previously too… Thank you.

But this is not a style pani puri…
Your audience is international, so if this is a 'street style' of any other place, please mention that city name… I'm from the place where panipuri and bhel is famous internationally in our Chowpatties… If anybody searching for pani puri making on YouTube learns to make this, they will be shocked to see what happens in the panipuri capital😂…

This is just my personal opinion, because on multiple occasions i went, why? arre? kyun?😂


Omg!!😮 so delicious. Thanks for this recipe ❣️ I can't wait to try it

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