
The Greatest Financial Magic Trick in Real Estate (in 57 seconds) #shorts

This is the power of using OPM, Other People’s Money. The technical term for this is a cash out refinance.

My name is Derek- I’m The Proptech Scout (and a real estate developer). I’m on a mission to find best-in-class proptech that real estate developers and landlords want to use, and I’m documenting it all on this channel and

Are you a proptech startup founder looking to get more exposure to customers? Or a real estate owner looking to improve efficiency through technology? For 1-on-1 advisory services, reach out to me on linkedin:

#realestatefornoobs #realestatedevelopment #realestateinvesting #shorts



Sketchy advice, what a clown 🤡


Introduce me to your friends and familly 😂😂😂


This is legitimate. It is hard to understand and it seems too good to be true. It can be done! Anyone interested has to learn how to do it… Be persistant and fnd the right building/property that meets the requirements. Education is the key.


The catch is how the renovation increases the property value by 50% and find the bank to agree to it.


And you have a million dollar loan.


Hi ,my doubt is how will I able to repay that 1million loan that I have taken from 2nd bank,even though I own the building,will that not count as my liability


Isn't this pretty much the brrrr method