
10 Online Games for ESL Class with Baamboozle | Online Games for Zoom | ESL Games and Activities

I share 10 of the most popular activities and games for ESL learners. Every game is on Baamboozle. These games can be played ONLINE or in REAL class. You can use a projector or play the games with your own resources. Baamboozle is free and a great resource for teachers!

💡10 Fantastic Games for normal or online class ►
💯10 Online Teaching Tips ►


Etacude Membership ►
Online Teaching Course for Teachers ►


Managing Behavior in the Classroom Book ►
First Days of School Book ►
Audible (2 Free Audiobooks) ►


1. Simon Says –
2. Run Around the House –
3. Stop the Bus –
4. Let’s Move! –
5. Password –
6. Odd One Out –
7. Box of Lies –
8. Emotions –
9. Taboo –
10. Art Challenge –

10 Speaking Activities ►
10 Listening Activities ►
50 Reading Activities ►

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0:00 10 ESL Games
0:05 Simon Says for ESL Students
0:46 Run Around the House
1:35 Stop the Bus AKA Scattegories
2:42 Let’s Move!
4:04 Password
5:16 Odd One Out
6:16 Box of Lies ESL Game
7:03 Emotions
7:46 Taboo Game for Class
8:30 Art Challenge Icebreaker for class

teacher tips. teacher advice. new teacher. teacher help. teaching. esl. english. speaking games. esl games. speaking activities. English speaking. teaching english. teach. esl. speaking activities. speaking games. English as second language. learn english. tips for teacher. education. online teaching. Zoom teaching. helping teachers.

A big thank you to all the teachers out there making a difference in the lives of all their students. Your impact will not go unnoticed and there is tremendous gratitude for the work and effort you put into this profession.


#eslgame #englishgame #teacher



Hi Eric. Thanks for sharing these activities. I can easily use some of them. I'm having a couple of zoom classes tomorrow so they will come in handy. I admire your dedication and enthusiasm which comes across. Keep up the good work.


Wow! Thank you a lot for all these tips, games and methods of teaching you share with us! It's exactly what I was searching for. I think now I'm ready to help my young students to learn better English doing this with much fun! Thanks again!!!


Thank u very much. Thats very helpful


How do you show only one student online without others seeing it?


Hi Eric, it´s great! I´d like to ask you if there is some link only for free games. First I ´d like to try them for my class before buy the baamboozle +. Because I am not sure if it is suitable for my kindergarten kids. Thanks so much for your reply. Monika