
Special Operations candidates conduct ruck march evaluation #SpecialForces #Shorts #Military #Ruck

Are you training for a career in U.S. Special Operations? SOCOM Athlete Hell Day events are open to ages 16+ providing a safe and challenging day of training in locations across the United States since 2018.

SOCOM Athlete instructors include active duty Navy SEALs, USAF PJ, Army Special Forces, MARSOC, 75th Ranger Regiment, Air Force CCT and other elite special operators. Instructors provide students with invaluable mentorship by teaching critical fundamentals, warrior mindset, and expert training tips while maintaining the safety of all students.

Hell Day events take place on special U.S. military bases across the United States. Events include a Fitness Test, Pool Training, Ruck March, Log PT, Team Problem Solving, and more. Hell Day students are taught to work together as a team, where leadership and effective communication are paramount for success.

Hundreds of Hell Day students have gone on to accomplish their dreams of becoming Navy SEALs, Air Force PJs, 75th Ranger Regiment, Green Berets, CCT, TACP, USMC Recon, MARSOC, and more. Will you be next? Your journey starts here.

Don’t miss the next Hell Day event coming to a location near you. “Send Me!”

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Mis respetos para cada soldado en su entrenamiento para combatir,su condición física es importante en el campo de batalla,no es cualquier hombre que tiene esas agallas para pertenecer al ejército ánimo y que Dios les proteja y bendiga en todo momento de sus vidas.


How much does a "Ruck" pack weigh? Anyone know?


Admire the one carrying the 1 gal of water while running and rucking


This is spec ops now??? lol, we did this in 11b on the daily!